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qnb unveils stellar growth soars to new heights in q1 2024 1955


QNB Unveils Stellar Growth, Soars to New Heights in Q1 2024


Michael Chen

April 8, 2024 - 14:50 pm


QNB Reports Robust Financial Performance in Q1 of 2024

In a significant development underscoring the financial strength of the region's largest institution, QNB—headquartered in the heart of the dynamic city of Doha, Qatar—has made public its financial outcomes for the first three months of the fiscal year 2024, which concluded on March 31.

DOHA, Qatar, April 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Recognized as the leading financial powerhouse in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region, QNB Group has announced a promising start to the year, with substantial financial gains marking its journey in the first quarter.

The establishment has seen its net profit surge to an admirable 4.1 billion Qatari Riyals (USD 1.1 billion), signaling an uplift of 7% compared to the figures registered during the identical period in the preceding year. The Group's operating income enjoyed an 11% hike, arriving at a handsome 10.4 billion Qatari Riyals (USD 2.8 billion). This increment showcases the Group’s competent maneuvering to prolong growth across a broad spectrum of revenue streams.

QNB Headquarters

For the financial period ending on March 31, 2024, the total assets recorded by QNB climbed by 5% to a towering 1,237 billion Qatari Riyals (USD 340 billion) compared to the asset value on March 31 of the previous year. This robust growth is chiefly attributed to an impressive 7% rise in loans and advances, which now stand at 867 billion Qatari Riyals (USD 238 billion). Concurrently, a diversified customer deposit generation tactic propelled customer deposits by 6%, leading to a cumulative balance of 880 billion Qatari Riyals (USD 242 billion) from the same date last year. As a prudential measure, QNB has maintained its loans to deposits ratio at a sound 98.6%.

Meanwhile, a commendable efficiency ratio—the cost to income—is what QNB proudly maintains. Having reached 21.7%, it is touted as one of the most superior ratios accessible amongst paramount financial institutions within the MEA expanse.

When scrutinizing the credit portfolio's health, the numbers speak of astuteness. QNB Group recorded a non-performing loans (NPL) to gross loans ratio of a mere 2.9% as of March 31, 2024. This low percentage is demonstrative of the exceptional caliber of the loans issued by the Group and the efficacious management of credit risk. Moreover, the loan loss coverage ratio was positioned at a sturdy 98%, underscoring a cautious strategy embraced by the Group when managing non-performing loans.

Further accentuating the institution's stability, the total equity of QNB Group experienced a moderate increase by 3% from the March of the previous year, scaling to an impressive 105 billion Qatari Riyals (USD 29 billion). This underpins the Group's relentless efforts to fortify its financial foundation. Furthermore, earnings per share realized a mark of 0.42 Qatari Riyals (USD 0.12), again reinforcing the healthy performance of the Group.

Focusing on the broader regulatory and liquidity figures, QNB's Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) stood at a robust 19.1% as of March 31, 2024. Better yet, the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR) were measured at 162% and 104% respectively—indices that comfortably exceed the baseline regulatory mandates stipulated by the Qatar Central Bank and the Basel Committee.

Stalwart Growth and Gargantuan Outreach

Illustrating its massive operational scale and the human capital that drives its success, QNB Group is powered by a formidable workforce numbering 30,000 staff members. These dedicated professionals are the driving force behind QNB’s operations sprawling across a network of 900 locations complemented by over 5,000 ATMs, ensuring customers’ banking needs are met with convenience and efficiency.

By amassing an extensive array of assets, bolstering its loan book with quality lending, while simultaneously sustaining an expansive global footprint, QNB certainly delineates the perfect paradigm of a banking colossus that ably maneuvers within the ever-evolving financial landscapes.

For further visual insights into the institution that leads the financial domain in the Middle East and Africa, interested audiences can view the impressive headquarters of QNB through the following link:

QNB Headquarters Photo

In addition to visual references, the Group's identity is represented through its official logo, which encapsulates the essence and corporate image of QNB and can be accessed via this link:

QNB Group Logo

Unveiling a Blueprint of Unyielding Prosperity

The data disclosed as part of QNB Group’s financial results underline a consistent trajectory of prosperity and growth. Remarkably, amidst a global scenery that is punctuated with uncertainties and economic volatilities, QNB’s achievements convey both strength and an intrinsic commitment to strategic growth levers.

Evidently, the augmentation in total equity and net profit margins are indicative of their robust operational framework, which is can effectively capitalize on emerging opportunities while countering the headwinds that may arise both regionally and globally.

In retrospect, the efficacious moderation of the loans to deposits ratio reflects the meticulous balance that QNB maintains between asset accumulation and liability management. This ensures that growth is paced in alignment with stability—a bedrock principle of banking prudence—and serves as a testament to their strategic financial planning.

Ensuring Quality in Credit and Risk Management

QNB's demonstration of a lower NPL ratio is not merely a serendipitous phenomenon; rather, it is the culmination of rigorous credit evaluation processes, astute risk assessment methodologies, and preemptive monitoring. This facilitative environment has led to the accumulation of a loan book where credit quality is venerated as much as profitability.

Simultaneously, a near-perfect loan loss coverage ratio broadcasts the intricacies of QNB’s risk contingencies and their dedication to maintaining a safety net that is both formidable and reflective of conservative banking philosophies.

Liquidity and Capital—Bulwarks of QNB’s Continuity

The sophisticated liquidity ratios exhibited by QNB notably exceed the stringent requirements set out by overseeing regulatory bodies. With an LCR indicating that QNB holds a buffer well above the necessary liquid assets to survive a potential 30-day stressed funding scenario, the Group’s resilience is unambiguous. Drawing complements to it is an NSFR that surpasses the 100% threshold, evidently ensuring that QNB maintains stable funding profiles.

As a fortressed institution, the significant CAR is a testament to QNB’s commitment towards maintaining a cushion that can absorb potential losses, thus securing depositors' and investors' interests.

QNB Group: A Paragon of Financial Supremacy

Mirroring a global brand's persona, QNB Group has emerged as an archetype of banking excellence in the MEA region. The disbursement of positive financial outcomes for the first quarter of 2024 underscores this reality and paves the way for enduring ascendancy over the fiscal year. As it continues to enhance shareholder value, QNB remains poised to tread on its growth trajectory, fortifying its supremacy in the financial sector for generations to come.

This veritable journey of financial mastery is not concluded by mere numbers but extends to the profound impact QNB Group's operations engender in enhancing the economic fabric of the MEA region. As the Group forges ahead, its success stories will continue to echo as testimonies of financial sagacity, molding the region's economic stature on the world stage.


Harnessing a network of meticulous staff, advanced technological platforms, and a staunch fiduciary protocol, QNB Group has entrenched itself as a financial titan. Looking ahead, stakeholders of QNB can anticipate that the institution will continue to navigate the financial sphere with the same prowess, innovation, and unwavering vitality that have defined its legacy to date.

For press inquiries and more information on QNB's financial results, please refer to the original source provided: PRNewswire - QNB Financial Results.

Ensuring that the trust instilled in its customers, employees, and shareholders remains unshaken, QNB Group strides forward, melding foresight with adaptability to sculpt a financial ecosystem that is not only robust and sustainable but also expansive and inclusive.

In light of QNB’s achievements and the continued dedication exemplified by their comprehensive network of professionals, it indeed sets the high watermark for banking institutions across the globe, reinforcing its position as an elite financial stronghold in an era of evolving economic contours.

The fusion of financial vitality, strategic prowess, and operational expansiveness that QNB represents makes it more than just a bank; it stands as a beacon of fiscal excellence resonating through the ebb and flow of the financial tides in the MEA region and beyond.

In conclusion, the QNB Group's Q1 financial report of 2024 not only reflects continuing financial success but, more importantly, showcases the Group as a paradigmatic leader adept in transforming challenges into achievements, thereby charting a course of uninterrupted fiscal triumph.

For future updates and detailed analysis of QNB Group's financial progress, stakeholders and interested observers are encouraged to stay attuned, as QNB continues to weave its narrative of prosperity, stability, and far-reaching financial acumen.